We make first aid fast and easy. Guaranteed.


FastAid is a leading specialist in supplying innovative first aid, emergency and medical solutions to a large re-seller network Australia Wide.

The family owned and operated business has achieved an excellent reputation by providing a very high level of reliable service, quality products and dedication to our customers’ needs. Fast Aids team of willing experts have extensive product knowledge and a clear understanding of the workplace WHS Regulations Australia Wide.

FastAid has a culture of continuous improvement and are continually developing new solutions to meet the forever changing needs of their customers. FastAid’s customer support programs, vast range and high stock levels ensure a superior level of customer satisfaction.

Feel free to send us an email to enquire regarding pricing for the various items.


All of our first aid kits come with an easy to understand contents list.

R1 | Remote Vehicle Kit

• Complies with WHS 2015 Regulations for Work Vehicles in Remote Areas.
• The ideal grab and run deluxe Ute kit.
• Grab and run design with Snake & Spider Bite treatment contents for those unexpected emergencies. Also includes a torch, whistle and other dressings for remote areas.
• Medium sized case with internal compartments ready for that unexpected road side emergency.


PLASTIC FAR1R20 290 (W) X 280 (H) X 100 (D)
SOFT PACK FAR1R30 260 (W) X 190 (H) X 100 (D)

R1 | Vehicle Max Kit

• Complies with National WHS 2015 & State Regulations for Work Vehicles.
• The ever popular deluxe vehicle kit.
• Loaded with ARTG Registered quality extras like splinter probes, Hydrogel burn gel, heavy duty crepe bandage, instant ice pack and more.
• Medium sized case with internal compartments ready for that unexpected road side emergency.


PLASTIC FAR1V20 290 (W) X 280 (H) X 100 (D)
SOFT PACK FAR1V30 260 (W) X 190 (H) X 100 (D)

R2 | Workplace Response Kit

• Complies with WHS 2016 Regulations for Workplaces.
• Standard workplace Kit that contains contents specific
to WHS requirements for Australian workplaces.
• Entry level kit for workplaces where additional risks do
not exist. Note: this kit does not cover high risk work.
• Available in 4 case options to suit almost any
application in the workplace.
• BONUS Wallmount Bracket for plastic and soft pack.


METAL CABINET FAR210 240 (W) x 380 (H) x 120 (D)
PLASTIC FAR220 355 (W) x 330 (H) x 100 (D)
PLASTIC TACKLE FAR222 400 (W) x 130 (H) x 230 (D)
SOFT PACK FAR230 355 (W) x 270 (H) x 90 (D)

R2 | Remote Max Kit

• Complies with WHS 2016 Regulations for Workplaces and
Remote Areas.
• Includes 2 additional modules; Burns and an Outdoor Module,
to suit the common injuries that occur on remote sites.
• Portable case options available making it an ideal kit for
builders and tradesman who require a compliant First Aid Kit
on site with them.
• BONUS Wallmount Bracket for plastic and soft pack.


METAL CABINET FAR2R10 285 (W) x 420 (H) x 130 D)
PLASTIC FAR2R20 355 (W) x 330 (H) x 100 (D)
SOFT PACK FAR2R30 355 (W) x 270 (H) x 110 (D)

R4 | Remote Area Medic Kit

• Complies with WHS 2016 Regulations for Workplaces.
• Ideal advanced First Aid Kit well equipped for treating a wide
scope of injuries that can occur in remote and isolated areas.
• Contains contents for compliance with WHS remote area First
Aid Kit requirements.
• Quality hospital grade contents to provide effective response
to injuries.
• Available in 2 case variations to bring maximum performance
to your situation.


METAL CABINET FAR4R10 410 (W) x 575 (H) x 130 (D)
SOFT PACK FAR4R30 520 (W) x 280 (H) x 330 (D)

R4 | Constructa Medic Kit

• Complies with WHS 2016 Regulations for Workplaces.
• The ultimate construction site fi rst aid response station.
• Ideal for larger sites or fi rst aid rooms to provide a fi rst aid
solution to a wide range of injuries.
• Quality hospital grade contents to provide effective
response to injuries.
• Available in 3 case variations to bring maximum
performance to your situation.


METAL CABINET FAR4C10 410 (W) x 575 (H) x 130 (D)
PLASTIC FAR4C20 440 (W) x 340 (H) x 150 (D)
SOFT PACK FAR4C30 520 (W) x 280 (H) x 330 (D)

R4 | Industra Medic Kit

• Complies with WHS 2016 Regulations for Workplaces.
• One of the biggest and best in our R4 range, especially
suited to fi rst aid rooms etc.
• Additional Modules to make contents easily locatable.
• Hospital grade contents to provide effective response to injuries.
• Available in 3 case variations to bring maximum performance
to your situation.


METAL CABINET FAR4I10 410 (W) x 575 (H) x 130 (D)
PLASTIC FAR4I20 440 (W) x 340 (H) x 150 (D)
SOFT PACK FAR4I30 520 (W) x 280 (H) x 330 (D)