InterFire Agencies is your knowledge based Rescue Tool Solution Specialists! we specialise in the service and maintenance of your hydraulic rescue tools. Our fully trained service technician can inspect and repair your hydraulic rescue tool products.


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InterFire Agencies Multi-Point Inspection Program provides insight into the comprehensive and rigorous inspection of all your hydraulic rescue tools from Cutters, Rams, Spreaders, to combination tools and power units.

What we inspect:

  • Overall Tool Condition
  • Inspection of fluid level and condition
  • Inspection of all tool parts and valves
  • Inspection and testing of tool pressure
  • Inspection of fittings
  • Inspection for damage

The Inspection Process

Our InterFire Agencies factory trained and certified technicians will clean and conduct an operational inspection of your hydraulic rescue tools. Any deficiencies will be noted and recorded.

Preventative Maintenance

InterFire Agencies is a fully trained servicing company employing factory trained and certified technicians. Our service technicians can inspect, conduct preventative maintenance and repair all of your hydraulic rescue tools which will keep you compliant and ready for the task! Any deficiencies will be noted, repairs completed and adjustments made to ensure your hydraulic rescue tools are up to the task.

Data Collection – Record Keeping

InterFire Agencies maintains a database where we create, collect, maintain and store all records pertaining to each hydraulic rescue tool. We take care of all documentation and paperwork so you do not have to.


InterFire Agencies factory trained and certified technicians for several hydraulic rescue tool brands.